Review: My 31 Practices by Steve Payne and Alan Williams

My 31 Practices: Release the Power of Your Values for Authentic Happiness by Alan Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Over the last couple of years I have read a number of “How-To” books on habits, mindfulness, focus, routine, self improvement etc. I have learned a lot and more importantly I have been able to put together an approach to my life where these aspects have come together in a unique routine that I can call my own. If only I had of read My 31 Practices in the beginning as it is all laid out for me in an easy and digestible format.
My 31 Practices takes you on a journey of building the best version of you. At the heart and foundation is your values and the authors traverse through habits, affirmations, learning, reflection (and many other key aspects) along with many examples of application by everyday people around the world. It also incorporates NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and MBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Technique) principles which I appreciated given I have been involved in NLP now for a number of years. Furthermore the authors decided to hire the help of an illustrator who has drawn up many illustrations that help visualise the concepts and their applicability.
This is a good time of year to pick up this type of book if you’re looking to make a change, get alignment in life and/or work on a new challenge. It isn’t something you have to read in one hit. Instead take your time and read a chapter day by day. Either way I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone!
Three key takeaways from the book:
1. This book has great content. More important is the action you take from reading it.
2. Take the time to identify and understand your values as it lays the foundation for everything you do in life. Happiness will always be the destination versus the journey if you’re not in alignment with your values
3. Not using the word “will” in an affirmation. Don’t write/say I will do . Instead write/say I do . It is a slight difference that makes a big impact