Review: A Journey: My Political Life by Tony Blair

A Journey: My Political Life by Tony Blair
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
During Tony Blair’s time as leader of the Labour party and as Prime Minister of United Kingdom I was still living in Australia. At the time I would only get sound bites such as when the Iraq War was in progress or during the London Bombings in 2005. My knowledge and understanding of Tony Blair and the New Labour movement was a mystery to me. A Journey, although written by Blair provides a unique insight into the changing times of the late 90s after beating Tory’s stronghold of power to maintaining leadership for a eleven year period.
I would recommend listening to the audiobook versus reading given Blair narrates his own book.
Three key takeaways from the book:
1. The power struggles between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair
2. Blair’s assessment of George Bush is vastly different to the view most of the non-US public have.
3. Although not really a takeaway but more a confirmation that politics is definitely a game of spin, marketing, messaging and timing.