The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

My Rating of “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek: 9 / 10

It was only late last year when I read Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse (written in 1986). This book was a game changer as it gets the reader thinking about the long game in life. Whether work, friendships, learning or just fun playing the infinite game is always the way to go.
Whilst Carse’s book was revolutionary to my thinking, Simon Sinek’s 2019 version is a much more up to date and consumable book on the concept. For example Sinek uses the modern day author’s approach. Whilst leveraging story telling throughout, Sinek lays out the foundation of the infinite game concept:
- Identify a just cause
- Develop an intangible will
- Gather resources
- Build a trusting team
- Deliberately practical ethical behaviour for the long term.
Sinek himself calls out the difficulty of acting with an infinite and long-term mindset. The world is very polarised with many geo-political, climate and social issues to be dealt with. Instead of seeing the world in the lens of short term success or failure we can see it differently with a long-term view. Reading both Sinek and Carse’s books I see the world differently. I go about life and try to bring the best out of every person and situation I encounter. I hope this book has the same effect on you as it does on me!
Three key takeaways from the book:
- Well intended finite-minded leaders often have the perspective of “make money to do good.” An infinite perspective on service, however, looks somewhat different: “Do good making money”. The key here is the order of information … good first and money second).
- Leaders are not responsible for the results. Leaders are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results.
- To serve is good for the game.