Division Director (B) In Review

It is October 2019 and about twelve weeks since signing off as Division B Director for 2018 – 2019. The last Toastmasters year has been one of hard work, of progress and of teamwork. As I mentioned in my post as Area Director last year, my role is to support my team and help them be successful in achieving the District’s mission. This could be supporting and running workshops, assisting in contests, chartering new clubs, running conferences and anything else that is needed.
What happened last year?
The year has gone extremely fast, yet we have grown our Division with a few clubs and we will be even bigger in 2019 – 2020. The Division team was made up of four Area Directors who managed their respective areas again in achieving the District’s mission. We have seen some fantastic workshops, events, and even one of our own representing the District and coming second in the regional semi-finals! Said differently, Sonia Aste came #2 in Europe in the Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking Competition. That is incredible feat when you look at the scale of this organisation; 300,000 members around the world.
The results
What I am very proud of is that our Division ended the year as a President’s Distinguished Division (the highest accolade we could achieve). The end doesn’t define the means here. To get to this level means that all of the 600 members in our Division, the 112 officers and 4 Area Directors needed to make sure their clubs made measurable progress. For example, completing leadership roles and finishing a communication / education program. Either way I see growth, feedback and progress and it is clear that we have finished as a better Division.
I’m fortunate to say that the Division has been left in good hands. Rupa Datta who was formally Area Director for Area 29 put her hand up to be the next Division B Director. Rupa and her team now have the reigns and have picked up from where we left off from last year. I already have seen significant progress and growth just in the last two months.
What about this year?
What am I up to now in the world of Toastmasters? I have decided to assist the District in a few areas. First is to provide light support in next year’s District 91 Conference. Second is to assist the District Finance Manager with the potential option to take it on next Toastmaster year. Third to also support senior members of our District to take on leadership roles within our community both locally and globally. There is always learning and growth opportunities within Toastmasters. After 18 years with this organisation I continue to be challenged!