To read or not to read, that is the question

My year has kicked up in high gear when it comes to self development. Using an example of reading and to put things into perspective, I would normally read about 4 – 8 books a year.

A month ago I wrote on how productive I have been feeling and the progress I have made incorporating The Miracle Morning concept into my day. I’m happy to say after one month since starting The Miracle Morning I am getting fantastic results.

As part of my research I have come across a couple of people on the Internet that describe the concept of reading a book a day. They are Tai Lopez and James Swanwick. The idea was created by Tai and James refers to it during one of his podcasts. I’m not going to repeat the concept as you can do the research yourself however suffice to say I like the approach and I am incorporating this into my schedule. Although I’m not reading one book a day I’m now getting through one book a week. I read a classic book in the morning as part of my miracle morning (Tai’s definition of a classic book is one that is 50 years or older and passed the tests of time), a how-to during the day (during lunch) and a biography at night before going to sleep. I have never read this much before and I’m absolutely addicted. For example, I decide to stop watching House of Cards season 3 last night so that I could go to bed early and read.

I’ll report back at the end of the year on how I go. I’m on track now and I _will_ hit at least 50 by the end of the year. There are approximately 130 million books out there and so much great knowledge to soak up.