Speed Reading

One thing I want to get better at this year is speed reading. If you ask someone like Warren Buffet, he would say that reading is the most important thing that he does. For example, Buffet spends the majority of his day reading (approximately eight hours per day). Last year I set myself a goal to read at least 50 books in one year. I exceeded that goal by reading 52 books; and I started my first book in late January. This year I’m aiming to read at least 75 books on top of my GetAbstract summaries I read every day along with any other reading commitments I have in my life (RSS Feeds, email, work documents etc.)
Given the importance of this goal, I want (and need) to become a faster reader. Last year I purchased the book Breakthrough Rapid Reading. This books helps you on how to read faster with the added benefits of improved comprehension and retention. Unfortunately, the delivery format wasn’t right for me. Instead, this year I tried out IRIS Speed Reading courses recommended by Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend.
The IRIS Speed Reading course was fantastic. I spent this past week working through the majority of material. Their focus in on improving three areas:
1. Speed
2. Retention
3. Comprehension
The book also utilises exercises and techniques aimed at reducing the impact of:
1. Fixation – How your eyes move when we read
2. Regression – Going back to re-read bits of material (sometimes subconsciously)
3. Auditory Re-assurance – That little voice in your head that says all the words you read as you read them
Without stealing all of IRIS’ glory I suggest you check out the course. In one week I have improved my reading speed (2 – 3x the speed depending on the material), comprehension and retention. I have also reduced the impact of fixation, regression and auditory re-assurance. Speed Reading is such an important investment for everyone. There are millions of books in the world and written information everywhere. An investment of 3 – 4 hours was a simple decision for me and glad I have finally done it.