Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

My Rating of “Ready Player Two” by Ernest Cline: 6 / 10

The release of Ready Player Two was certainly a surprise to me. The first book, Ready Player One, is one of my favourite fictional reads. It is hard to find books like that which I cannot put down. Between the release of this book and the first one, Hollywood adapted Ready Player One into a movie. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and certainly had his feel in the production of the movie. Unfortunately left a bad taste in my mouth and I felt a little trepidation in reading this book.

With that all said, Ready Player Two is certainly entertaining. It picks up from where the first book left off. It has Cline’s pop-culture flavour like the first one, maybe a little too much at times. The plot itself doesn’t feel too pushed and aligns somewhat to the original story. I won’t go into details of the book as I don’t want to disappoint readers. Suffice to say, the original is always hard to beat. Ready Player Two is worth a read. If you haven’t seen the movie I’d suggest reading Ready Player One and Two back to back for full enjoyment!