I was blind, and now I can see!

That may be a little bit of an overstatement yet such a catchy title could not be passed up as it  summarizes an experience I have recently; laser eye correction.

Since I was a teenager I have been wearing glasses to see long distances. For those who of you in the same situation you will understand the reliance of glasses or contact lens to live life. For me the first thing I used to do every day was pick up my glasses on the side table when I woke up. No more!

I had a procedure called EPI Lasik last week and my eyesight has been improving each and every day since. The procedure is a little different to the traditional Lasik as my cornea was too thin. I won’t go into the details however you can read the details yourself via this URL. Suffice to say the healing takes longer with the procedure being less invasive and the results can sometimes be better. Dr Assil was my surgeon for those of you interested and he is very well known in his field and did a fine job.

What I have learned here and why I am sharing this post is that a lot of people I have talked to say they cannot do Lasik due to certain conditions with their eyes. The times are changing and there are a lot more alternatives that have been proven over the years. I never thought I would get this done yet here I am and am thankful I can now see!